
In the wake of the 1922 Asia Minor Catastrophe, a young visionary by the name of Demetrius G. Spyrides found himself amidst the tumultuous waves of history.

Forced to flee his homeland, Pontos, Demetrius embarked on a remarkable journey to set up a new life in Athens, Greece. Refugee life in Athens was not easy, but Demetrius remained steadfast in his vision to rebuild and support his displaced family. At just 17 years old, he took the first step towards his destiny by establishing DEM.G. SPYRIDES and laying the foundations for a legacy that still shines bright today.

Join us as we continue to unveil the extraordinary journey of Demetrius Spyrides and the lasting impact of his vision on Spyrides Group's enduring success!

#SpyridesGroup #90Years #Founder #Legacy #Triumph #Success